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Calendar is a new feature that allows you to view all your FunctionFox calendars in one centralized view.

You can choose which calendars to show/hide by clicking on the +/- sign on the top right of the calendar tab.

Example: Events from the My Calendar and Group Calendar will be displayed, but Project Calendar events (Premier & In-House subscriptions only) will be hidden.

FunctionFox Calendar: My Calendar and Group Calendar entries visible.

Calendar Date Navigation

There are two main functions which allow for calendar date navigation.

  • Navigation Buttons: use the "next/previous" month and year navigation arrows (located to left), or click on "Today" to return to today’s date.
    FunctionFox Calendar: navigate buttons to look at previous or upcoming months calendar entries.
  • Month Quick Links: use the month quick links at the top of the calendar to quickly navigate to a specific month.

Calendar Display Options:

Use the calendar options to customize your calendar view, quickly produce reports, or filter your views.

  • Calendar Reports: produce a calendar report for your currently displayed calendar view by clicking on insert_chart_outlined and selecting the report to generate.
  • Full Screen: click on fullscreen to view the calendar in full screen mode (hides the menu, top header, and tabs), To exit click on fullscreen_exit.
  • Detail vs. Summary View: change whether you are viewing your calendar entries in detailed view_agendaor summary view view_headline.
  • Weekly or Monthly View: choose to view your calendar in a weekly view_week or monthly view apps.
  • Show/Hide Weekends you can choose to either hide view_carousel or show weekends view_array.
  • Show/Hide Project Filters: available when viewing the project calendar. Choose to show or hide filters filter_list filters are used to customize your calendar project events.

Print Calendar

To print a copy of calendar, click on the print icon (print) located in the top right header. This will print the visible calendar events as they are displayed on the screen.

View Others’ My Calendar

When My Calendar is active, a personnel drop-down may be available, which allows users to view and edit others’ My Calender entries. This feature requires that a user has been given "Access to Shared Calendars" for their access level, and the team member has choosen to shared their calendar. To share (or make private) your My Calendar go to Settings & Preferences > My Preferences> General and check/uncheck the box for "Share My Calendar".

FunctionFox My Calendar: select personnel calendars to view.

Add New Calendar Entires (Meetings/ Events)

Click on the add icon for the day in which you want to schedule a new event. This will enable the "Events Modal" where you can select the type of events to add based on your visible calendar(s):

  • person Add My Event: Enter in a personal meeting or event for yourself that will only be visible on your "My Calendar" (eg. vacation days or appointment)
  • group Add Group Event: Enter in a group event that will be visible on the "Group Calendar" for the team (eg. Stat holidays, birthdays, anniversaries)
  • group_add Meeting Scheduler: Schedule meetings with other team members and choose to have it shown on the group calendar.
  • event_available Add Action:* add a new action for a project.
  • question_answer Add Meeting:* schedule a meeting for a specific project.
  • assistant Add Milestone:* add a project milestone.
  • * Only available when the Project Calendar (Premier and In-House subscriptions) is active.

Once you have selected the event to add to the Calendar, fill in all the details of the event and click Save New.


FOX TIP: Have an event that you want other team members to be able to see? (eg. away on holidays) Schedule the event using the Meeting scheduler and select the group calendar and yourself as invitees.

View Calender Details

To view additional details for an event, you can hover over the event to see more details like the event notes. You can also click on the (...) that appears at the bottom left corner of a day to view full details for all events scheduled on that day. To View all details of event click on the specific event to view in the modal.

Edit Calendar Entries

To Edit a calender entry:

  1. Click on the event you wish to edit to access the event details.
  2. Make the required changes.
  3. Save Edit.

Alternatively if you need to only update the date an event falls on you can drag/drop the event to the required new date. (Note: Recurring meetings can only be modified by clicking on the event to edit.)

FunctionFox My Calendar: drag and drop and event to a new date.

Delete Calendar Entries:

Calendar events can be removed from the calendar by clicking on the event and selecting delete.

My Calendar

My Calendar is your personal calendar view in FunctionFox and allows you to view Daily Timesheet Totals, Daily Notes, Personnel Events, and Meetings that you are invited to.

My Calendar Legend:

  • Timesheet: click on the timer icon (access_time) to access the timesheet modal to add/edit entries on that specific date, the timer icon will appear as (watch_later) if there is an active timer for that day. When time has been tracked on any given date the total time will be displayed in brackets beside the timer icon.
  • .
  • Daily Notes: any note that you enter under "Daily Notes" text box on the timesheet page will appear on that given date.
  • Personal Events and Team Meetings: scheduled personal events that are added using "add my event" or meetings scheduled with the "meeting scheduler" that you are invitee will appear as:
    8:00-9:00 Client off site meeting
  • Project Meetings: Meetings that you are an invitee for that is related to a specific Client/Project within FunctionFox will appear as:
    Project Meeting (12:00pm): Production Meetings
    0002-stationery Package

Group Calendar

The Group Calendar provides a central place to schedule events that are visible to all users, such as stat holidays, team members birthdays, and meetings in which the group calendar is an invitee.

Group Calendar Legend:

  • Group Events and Meetings: scheduled group events that are added using "add group event" or meetings scheduled with the "meeting scheduler" that include the calendar as an invitee will appear as:
    All-Day Johnny’s Birthday
  • Project Meetings: Meetings that the Group Calendar is an invitee for a specific Client/Project within FunctionFox will appear as:
    Project Meeting (12:00pm): Post Project Wrap-up
    0002-stationery Package

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