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CEO Desktop Overview

The CEO Desktop provides a high-level visual overview of your data, including hours tracked, billable vs. non billable hours, projects by status, and more. Each dashboard is designed by default to display the most relevant information, but this can be adjusted using the date range, order by, and status filters (where applicable) at the top of the page.

CEO Desktop > Client

The client dashboard displays hours tracked against all active clients (all open projects are displayed by default) within you selected date range. Click on the yellow bar associated with a client, and it will expand to display the list of projects for the client in the expanded project view.

You can choose to order your clients based on the client name or hours tracked, and also choose to display projects based on status.


FOX TIP: Choose to hide/show the graphical summary charts on CEO Desktop by clicking on data_usage in the top right hand corner.

CEO Desktop > Personnel

The personnel dashboard displays a graphical comparison of billable vs. non-billable hours tracked by each user, within your selected date range (the date range is set to all time by default).

Click on the bar for a specific user to generate a Productivity Report that shows the billable and non-billable time tracked by that user, in detail. Click on the total bar, or the insert_chart_outlined icon at the top of the page to generate a summary Productivity Report for all personnel.

Personnel can be ordered alphabetical by name, by billable hours, non-billable hours, or total hours.

Note: Billable vs. non-billable time is established at the task-level. Any task with a set hourly rate is considered billable, while any task with a rate of $0 is non-billable.

CEO Desktop > Project Manager

The project manager dashboard displays the number of open projects assigned to each project manager in FunctionFox. Click the bar for a specific project manager to view their expanded project view.

You can mark a user as a project manager on the Personnel > Manage page.

CEO Desktop > Status

The status dashboard displays the number of open and overdue projects, according to their status. Click the bar for a specific status to view the expanded project view.

Project Statuses can be ordered alphabetically, by the number of projects due, projects overdue, or all projects.

You can manage your project statuses on the Projects > Manage page.

CEO Desktop > Type

The type dashboard displays the number of open and overdue projects, according to their project type. Click the bar for a specific type to view the expanded project view.

Project Types can be ordered alphabetically, by the number of projects due, projects overdue, or all projects.

You can manage your project types on the Projects > Manage page.

CEO Desktop > Retainers

The retainers dashboard displays your active retainers for your clients, and groups them by whether they are tracking against a set monthly fee, or a set number of hours.

Click on the bar for a specific retainer to display the monthly breakdown (up to the current month). You’ll see the actual (hours or fees) versus the set retainer amount. Click to generate a Retainer Report.

Retainers can be ordered alphabetically by retainer name, actual amount, or retainer amount.

Learn more about setting up client retainers.

Expanded Project View

The expanded project view is accessible from the Client, Project Manager, Status, and Project Type dashboards. This view lists all open projects under the expanded option. Each project can show:

  • Timeline: Shows today’s date in relation to the start and due dates of the Project, and shows either the number of days until the project is due, or how many days the project is overdue by (If a project does not have a due date defined no timeline will be shown). By clicking on the timeline you will be taken to the estimate page (Classic) or the project schedule page (Premier and In-House subscriptions) for that project.

  • Estimated Cost: The sum of all estimated fees and estimated project costs. By clicking on the estimates bar you will be taken to the estimate page for the project.

  • Actual Cost: Is the sum of total fees and project costs for the project. The actual cost bar will display in teal for projects that are under budget, and will turn red for projects that are over budget. Clicking on the actual bar will generate the project report for that project.

Expanded Project View Settings: In the right corner of the filter section there are several setting options that you can set:

  • settings_applications You can choose to:
    • Exclude Project Costs
    • Only Show hours
  • work/ insert_drive_file Choose to group/ un-group projects by clients under each Project Manager, Status, and Project Type listed on their respective dashboards.
  • view_headline/ view_week Choose to display the Timeline, Estimate, and actual in a horizontal layout or return to the standard vertical layout.

  • filter_list Choose to show/hide dashboard filters.

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